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International Meeting: Megaliths of the World 9-14 sept. 2019 Historial de la Vendée (Les Lucs-sur-Boulogne, France) |
This meeting will count five days of presentations. Monday morning will begin with an introduction to the meeting followed by three introducing conferences. The afternoon will see thematic presentation and a first geographical zone will be presented. Each of the following half days will cover two major geographical zones, each zone the subject of three separate 40 minutes papers (giving a total of 2 hours per zone). Where necessary, this general framework can be modified: by substituting four communications each of 30 minutes, for example, or indeed one of 40 minutes and two of 20 minutes. Saturday afternoon will be reserved to discussions and concluding remarks.
Oral presentations will be either in French or in English. Simultaneous translation will be awailable. Slides must be in with a pdf or pwpt extension.Each of these presentations will be delivered by an invited speaker, on a subject or geographical area decided by the scientific committee. Time allowed to each speaker is indicated within the mail of invitation.
The call for poster contributions is open. Dead line for submission (abstracts of 300 words max.) is 15th of April 2019. The number of selected posters has to be limited to twenty. Selection will be made by the Steering Committtee. Posters will be the subject of a special session (2h). The posters that are accepted will be included in the publication in the form of special features within the relevant sections.
Publication : Papers based on the lectures and posters presented during the meeting will be published, although the publisher has not yet been decided. The publication guidelines will be circulated later, along with the choice of the publisher. The deadline for papers for publication is December 1st, 2019.
A/ Invited Speakers
Fourteen geographical areas have been defined which cover more or less all the regions of the world where megaliths have been recorded. The 3 or 4 presentations on each area will be preceded by a short introduction, of up to ten minutes, by relevant members of the Steering Committee who will highlight regional trends, or forms of megaliths that will not be presented within the lectures that follow.
Invited speakers should follow general guidelines in order to ensure a broadly similar framework common to all the presentations on various regions of the world and different academic traditions. Shared format for the individual presentations by the invited speakers:
1/ HISTORY OF RESEARCH : For example - main academic references, key researchers, etc. Maps of each area presented, including one at subcontinental scale, would be very useful.
2/ STATE OF KNOWLEDGE : For example - Over the whole of the area presented, what structures and what architectures were built in what period or chronological timeframe, for which purpose or function and by people of which material culture ? In case of funerary monuments, what are the associated ceremonial and mortuary practices, in connection with what vision of the world or social order ?
3/ ELEMENTS OF SYNTHESIS: For example - In each context, what are the most relevant criteria (technical, cultural, social, symbolic, etc.) to describe, define and explain each of the various types of megaliths previously described ? What is a megalith ?
4/ PERSPECTIVES : For example - Methodological innovations, most current research questions, etc
Every presentation must include a general map showing the location and if possible distribution maps, showing site locations point by point. The model map base at a continental scale can be downloaded below, as well as an example of site distribution maps.
Nota Bene : 1 invited speakers for 1 presentation. Co-authors, if any, will be exempted from inscription fees. Those who want to join the meeting should register quite shortly after the opening of inscriptions (Lunch in common at Historial, Some rooms in the same hotel as the invited speaker at low price, excursion, etc), as the number of places for participants is limited.
B/ Poster Authors
Nota Bene : Authors of selected posters will be exempted from inscription fees. Those who want to join the meeting should register quite shortly after the opening of inscriptions (Lunch in common at Historial, Rooms in the same hotel as the invited speaker at low price, excursion, etc), as the number of places for participants is limited.
Selected posters will have to be send to organizors as pdf files. The printing (A0) will be made by the organization of the meeting (subject to prior payment of the corresponding costs). Within the meeting, a 2h session will be dedicated to the presentation of posters by their authors.